Saturday, December 4, 2010

Conductive, Sensorineural, Central,Functional, and Mixed are the different types of hearing loss. They each can be cured or treated differently weather is surgically, medically, or simply applying a hearing aid. Its very important that a specialist locate your hearing pathway so they can classify your type of hearing loss so that it can be appropriately treated.
After viewing this blog the three main learning objective I would like you to learn are:
  • Know the main types of hearing loss and know that majority of the time Conductive hearing loss can be surgical cured with modern techniques.
  • Know that Sensorineural hearing loss is the most complex and is very hard to treat.
  • Also know the effects of each hearing loss.

Thanks for viewing my blog I hope you enjoy it and can master the three learning objectives listed above . If you have any questions or comments post a comment and I will try my best to answer to your response as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Professional Journal Article # 2 : " Long term patient satisfaction with different middle ear hearing implants in Sensorineural Hearing loss."

Implantable hearing devices are a valuable option for patients with moderate-to-serve sensorineural hearing loss who cannot benefit from conventional hearing aids. Only 20% to 42% were satisfied with their implants compared with their contralateral conventional hearing aids. Conventional hearing aids are no longer the exclusive solution to patients with sensorineural hearing loss. 

Citation: Gluth, Michael B.; Eager, Katrise M.; Eikelboom, Robert H.; Atlas, Marcus D. " Long- term patient satisfaction with different middle ear hearing implants in sensorineural hearing loss." 
Otology & Neurotology. 31(9):1427-1434, December 2010.

Professional Journal Article #1: Auditory brainstem and hearing stimulation

Patients suffering from conductive or mixed hearing loss and Single-Sided Deafness may benefit from implantable hearing devices relying on bone conducted auditory stimulation.  This study focuses on the feasibility aspect of an electrophysiological determination of the hearing  with bone-anchored hearing aid stimulation. Auditory evoked potentials were measured by auditory stimulation paradigm used in clinical routine. The amplitudes and latencies, of the resulting auditory brainstem responses  and the cortically evoked responses were correlated with the respective responses without the use of the Baha Intenso. The recording of ABR and CAEP by delivering the stimuli to the Baha results in response waveforms which are comparable to those evoked by earphone stimulation and appears appropriate to be measured using the Baha Intenso as stimulator.  At all measurements, the ABR and CAEP seem to be consistent with the normal hearing of the patient.

Citation: Rahne T, Ehelebe T, Rasinski C, Gotze G. "Auditory brainstem and cortical potentials following bone-anchored hearing aid stimulation."
                                J Neurosci Methods. 2010 Nov 30 ;193(2): 300-6. EPub 2010 Sep 25. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Effects of Various Types of Hearing Loss

The different types of hearing loss can effect the deafness of a person or there ability to hear in different ways.  This website will let you see the effects on hearing loss and how they can change you life forever. Some types of hearing loss can be treated and some cannot. Also other things can be considered when learning the effects of each hearing loss. Age, degree , type, and time frame can be considered when deciding if the hearing loss can be treated or reduced.